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The Biblio File: Library News

Pinawa Public Library

The Biblio File
February 11, 2019

People leaf through books for various reasons.  Maybe they are trying to get an idea of the plot, whether it might interest them.  Perhaps they are looking for beautiful photography or were just captured by the cover artwork.  At the library we are always skimming though suggestions, book lists, top ten lists, boxes of incoming new book orders and donations.  Sometimes though, you find something in a book that is unexpected and it makes you stop and pause.  We recently received a donation of a book documenting a natural disaster.  It detailed loss of homes, lives, pets and spirit.  It also spoke of community, people coming together to help others, of hope and recovery.  Inside the front cover was hand written “Let us never forget that family and friends are the most valuable things in life.”  Life is busy. Every now and then we all need a reminder.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 18, 2019 for Family Day.  Put down the to-do list, close the door to the laundry room/garage/basement (insert distracting room of choice) and enjoy some time with the people you care about.