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The Biblio File: Library News

The Biblio File
February 22, 2021

The online reserve and back door pick up is still the safest and most efficient method for getting books, and we encourage all patrons who are able to do so, to continue to use this service please.

However, in light of some of the provincial restrictions being lessened, in order to better serve those who are uncomfortable with online browsing and reserving, we are going to take the first cautious step of allowing patrons back into the library on a limited basis.  Our hours will remain 1:00 – 4:00 Tuesday to Friday, and Sundays.  We are keeping a close eye on the restrictions and will continue to do so before making any further changes.

Entrance to the library will be limited to one patron or household at a time, and will be by appointment only.  Entrance will be through the back door of the Community Centre across from the arena.  Please phone us or ring the buzzer when you are at the door.

To book an appointment to pick up books or come into the library please call 753-2496 or email at

We thank you for your patience while we work to provide the best possible patron services under the current uncertainty and decreased staff availability.

Have you read any great books that you would like to see on our shelves for others to enjoy?  We would love to hear from you – we encourage suggestions and use these when making our shopping lists.  Please email us with your recommendations!