The Biblio File
March 14, 2022
Please be advised that in order to maintain the safety and comfort of our staff, volunteers, and patrons, the library has chosen to keep mask wearing mandatory until further notice.
St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th – read a book with a green cover then let us know how you liked it! We will pass the recommendation along to the library ghost.
Read, Recycle, Repeat. March 18th is Global Recycling Day. We all know what, how and why we have to recycle but have you ever thought about how this might pertain to books and magazines? If you find yourself in a situation where you have too many books (seems impossible but could happen?) then there are a few ways you might consider recycling them.
Donate them to a library, school or thrift store – your books will surely find their way into the hands of another thankful reader.
Take your books around the world – if you are taking a trip leave a book or books in the seat pocket of the plane, in a bus or train station, on the nightstand in a hotel or hostel.
Consider building and starting a free little lending library – there are many great ideas online for this.
If your books are too well loved and not appropriate for donation consider making them into gift tags, cards, or wrapping paper – a unique way to wrap a gift for your bookish friends.