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The Biblio File: Library News

Pinawa Public Library

The Biblio File
November 26, 2018


Wondering what to do with your spare time?  Volunteering at the Pinawa Public Library is an enriching and enjoyable experience!  In fact, volunteers are critical to the operation of the library.  We have a few new openings available.  If you would like to apply for one of these spots, please leave your name and phone number with one of our staff and we will contact you.


The 14th Annual Pinawa Winter Town Market is coming up fast!  Come down to the Pinawa Community Centre on Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 10:00 to 3:00.  The library will have a table of huge bargains just in time for the holidays.  Join us and the many other amazing vendors.  Shop local!

Peter Tayloy 2

Make sure to join us on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 7:00 for Peter Taylor’s presentation of “A Week in Australia”.  Everyone welcome!