The Biblio File
June 14, 2021
The library is excited to announce a new monthly newsletter straight to your in-box – the Junior Biblio File! It will be focused on all things kids and young adult – from toddlers to teens. It will list some of our new books, provide some reviews, let you know about kids programming and what kinds of great things young people can find and do in the library! Our first one will be going out on June 18th but the rest will be published the first week of every month. This month we are a little behind – we blame the heat, covid, and possibly Voldemort.
Please do not leave books outside during our closed hours. There is a very good chance they will be lost or soaked. Rule of thumb – if there isn’t a return box there, please wait until there is. If a book is left during closed hours and it becomes misplaced or destroyed it will be the responsibility of the last person who had it to replace it. Currently we are open for pick-up and returns on Tuesday – Friday and Sunday from 1:00-4:00 only.