Speak up for your library
The Province of Manitoba is conducting a Cultural Review, and public libraries are a significant component of this review. Participation and responses from library trustees, library staff and library users will be very important to inform decisions on investments and policies around public libraries over the course of this government’s term and perhaps beyond.
The Province invites us all to submit feedback before June 30, 2017 and it is important that they hear from us. You can find a Discussion Paper and information on how to submit your feedback at http://www.gov.mb.ca/imaginecreative. Or drop by the Library and pick up a printed copy of the section on public libraries (Discussion Paper–Library section) which includes three library-specific questions:
- What can be done to maximize the role and contributions of libraries to the well-being of all Manitobans?
- How should the cultural policy address the challenges currently impacting the public library system?
- How can libraries play a role in celebrating and promoting culture in your community?
There are many ways of submitting feedback. It is not necessary to read the entire Discussion Paper to answer the questions posed and people need not stick to the formatted questions. You can tell how and why you value library services through an online submission, and also send an email or mail your ideas directly to the Minister.